

Aa Zz

Lumier Bold

Aa Zz

Lumier Regular

Aa Zz

Futura LT Book


S1: Lumier Bold

S2: Lumier Bold

S3: Lumier Bold

S4: Lumier Bold

S5: Lumier Bold

Style 6: Rollerscript Smooth

P1: Used for certain body text, and to differentiate information between other text using P1 in black. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In facilisis dolor in risus condimentum euismod.Integer dictum consectetur feugiat. Nullam mauris lacus, tincidunt id ligula sit amet, imperdiet congue dolor.

P2 looks like this and is used for smaller text

Color Palette

Primary Colors







Noise background

Patterns & Dividers

Grey Line

Black Line

Button & UI Elements

Shop Now

Primary Button

Secondary Button

PDP Buy Module Buttons


Newsletter Form

Product Card



Product Carousel